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Is thc a pain medication?

Several studies report on the benefits of cannabis use for chronic pain. According to some research, it is as effective...

How Does Long Beach's Weed Delivery Service For THC Products Work

If you're a resident of Long Beach who's looking for a weed delivery service that will provide THC products, then you're...

How long do the effects of cbd oil take to kick in?

Edible and topical products can take up to an hour or two to kick in. It can take between 1 minute and 2 hours for the...

How much thc is ok for dogs?

To put it in context, the average edible treat contains approximately 10-15 mg of THC; a high dose contains 20 mg or...

Can dogs have thc for anxiety?

As we have already mentioned, THC produces psychoactive effects. For this reason, it is not safe for your dog to consume.

Does thc help with sciatic nerve pain?

The results suggested that THC may relieve sciatica pain by interrupting signals between pathways in the brain that...

How much thc percentage is too much?

The biological limit for the percentage of THC is 35%, so it is possible to find flowers above 25% THC, although rare....

How long does thc take to relieve pain?

This can be especially useful for hard-to-treat neuropathic pain or centralized pain conditions, such as fibromyalgia....